What people are saying.

Ashlee Stow - Pilates Instructor

“Sarah provided unconditional support throughout the full 12-week series. She gave me the tools and guidance I needed to work through these issues that I had carried around for years. She helped me find the strength within myself, discover my voice, and understand my authentic self!

Now, I believe in myself, ask for help, and find joy in life every day. I am confident.

I have the tools to overcome stress and overwhelm.

I'm more aligned with my values and honour them every day.

I'm kinder and am more present with my family.

Sarah has changed my life and given me the most amazing gift: she helped me find myself!

Everyone needs someone in their corner to support them when they feel disconnected from themselves and lost!

Sarah, you did this for me, and I’ll be forever grateful!”

Kristin Meldrum - Life Coach & Personal Trainer

“I recently worked with Sarah Townsend on a six part life coaching series. Working with Sarah was nothing short of amazing. She is an incredible coach and she held some really amazing space for me as a client. My biggest takeaway working with Sarah was that she was really able to acknowledge me and actually see me. And when I say that, I don't just mean just see and hear what I was saying. She actually really saw me as a person and created a space where I was also able to see myself, and in doing so, it formed this incredible basis for me for beyond the actual Life coaching series, where I'm able to use what I had reflected on and learnt in myself for my future business. If you are looking for a life coach, I cannot recommend Sarah enough. She is just such a wonderful person and she will really celebrate you and acknowledge who you are and for everything that you're going to become.”

Caitlin Welsh - HR Professional

“Sarah is genuinely invested in you and your growth from the very beginning, ensuring you feel well-equipped at each point of the series.

She takes the time to genuinely understand your needs, challenges, and strengths to support you in reaching your goals.

The fresh perspectives, insights, and tools I came away with have completely shifted my mindset, and due to her holistic approach, I have seen this trickle through to all areas of my life.

She gave me the guidance I needed to find the confidence, clarity, and presence within myself.

I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone seeking personal growth and transformation.”

Jo Knorr - Leadership & Mindset Coach

“Every so often you come across someone who is truly exceptional at what they do. In 25 years as a Leadership and Mindset facilitator and coach, I have never come across anyone quite like Sarah Townsend. Her intellect, insight and ability to connect with people is perfectly aligned to her purpose of helping others to flourish.

I have been privileged to coach Sarah and watch her flourish in her own life and career. Her willingness to learn, challenge herself and immediately apply her insights positions her perfectly to help her own coaching clients.

Sarah is a highly skilled learning designer, facilitator and coach who is at the leading edge of coaching and professional development research and techniques. I have been thrilled to partner with her in designing and co-facilitating leadership and high impact presentation workshops which have had exceptional feedback from participants.

If you get a chance to work with Sarah – take it. You will get to experience an exceptional person, exceptional processes and you’ll feel completely supported along the way.”

Michael Ostroburski - General Manager

“Having worked with Sarah for nearly 3 years, she has truly excelled in delivering exceptional workplace training and supporting senior leaders within our organisation. Coming out of Covid and supporting the business to drive change was no easy task. 

From the moment Sarah stepped into her role, her dedication to fostering a culture of growth and development was palpable. Her passion for empowering others through education and mentorship has been instrumental in transforming our workplace into a thriving hub of innovation and excellence.

As a trainer, Sarah possesses a rare combination of expertise, charisma, and empathy. She has an innate ability to connect with individuals at all levels of the organisation, making even the most complex concepts accessible and engaging. Her training sessions are not just informative; they are transformative experiences that leave participants feeling inspired and equipped with the tools they need to succeed.

Moreover, Sarah has been an invaluable resource for our senior leaders. She understands the unique challenges they face and goes above and beyond to provide tailored support and guidance. Whether it's coaching them through difficult decisions, offering strategic insights, or simply lending a listening ear, Sarah is always there to ensure our leaders have the resources they need to thrive.

Beyond her technical skills, Sarah is a beacon of positivity and encouragement in our workplace. Her infectious enthusiasm and unwavering belief in the potential of others have motivated countless individuals to reach new heights in their careers.

Sarah is not just a leader; she is a mentor, and a driving force for positive change. Her contributions to our organisation have been immeasurable, and I have no doubt that her impact will continue to be felt for years to come.”

Ashley Curnow - Executive Director

“Sarah instantly makes you feel comfortable and has an innate ability to inspire new thinking, change and vulnerability. Whether its 1:1 coaching or facilitating group sessions to drive outcomes, Sarah is an obvious choice for either our personal or professional needs.”